A downloadable game

Game Instructions

Built with NES in mind, but not for NES


  • WASD: D-pad
  • Q: B button
  • E: A button
  • Enter: Start
  • Shift: Select

(Note: This layout is non-standard due to gameplay requirements.)

Inspired by Tetris, how high can you score?

Published 13 days ago


Hexol.zip 10 MB

Install instructions

Directions to Run the Game:

  1. Download and Extract:
    • Download the game files and extract them to a directory on your computer.
  2. Install Python:
    • Download Python 3.12.x from python.org.
    • Install Python by following the instructions on the website.
  3. Install Dependencies:
    • Open a command prompt or terminal window.
    • Run the following command to install the required libraries:
      pip install pygame numpy 
  4. Run the Game:
    • Navigate to the directory where you extracted the game files.
    • Run the game by executing the game.py file with Python 3.12 (replace <path/to/game.py> with the actual path):
      python <path/to/game.py> 

Note: This game is not provided as an executable (.exe) file. It must be run from source code I ran out of game jam time and couldn't figure out how to build a windows EXE from a Linux system.


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Tried running the game a few times but couldn't figure out how to do it. "pip install" part comes up with an error.

Did you install python or just download it? you may need admin to do this as well, depending on your OS